Recycled Rubber User Guide

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms Page 1 | 27 Appendix A Glossary of Terms and Acronyms A Abatement Removal of scrap tires from stockpiles or other sites which have accumulation of whole or size reduced scrap tires. Accelerator A chemical that affects the rate of vulcanization of rubber compounds. Activator Chemicals added to rubber compounds to activate accelerators to speed up the vulcanization process. Adhesion Bond between two cured surfaces. Aging Evolution or change of physical and chemical properties of rubber by oxidation, heat, operating stresses or moisture over a period of time. Ambient Temperature Temperature (°F or °C) of immediate surroundings, usually room temperature. Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) ADC is a means to cover other than earthen material (e.g., soil) the surface of the active face of municipal solid waste landfills at the end of an operating day to control vectors, fires, odors, blowing litter and scavenging. Ambient Grinding An ambient system includes size reduction steps of rubber, tires or other feedstock through a process (e.g. granulator, cracker mill) at or near room temperature. The ambient system is also referred to as Mechanical. Ambient grinding is a multi-step processing technology that uses a series of machines (usually three) to separate the rubber, metal, and fabric components of the tire. Ambient Ground Rubber Scrap rubber processed at or above ordinary room temperature. Produces a rough texture with increased surface area due to a tearing process. See Ground Rubber.